
During the months of May, June, July and August, loggerhead sea turtles crawl out of the Atlantic Ocean to lay their nests on the shores of Wrightsville Beach. A loggerhead mother uses her rear flippers to dig a nest chamber in the sand, then deposits approximately 100 round, white leathery eggs. The mother turtle then covers the nest chamber, concealing it with sand, and crawls back to sea, never to meet her offspring. The eggs incubate for approximately 45-70 days before hatchlings emerge.

In the state of North Carolina, all sea turtle nests remain “in situ,” meaning the nests are left in place and not relocated to a nursery. If a nest is laid below the high tide line, it is relocated to the nearest safe spot above the high tide line.

Please Note: Nest Hatching Times

We receive many emails inquiring about when sea turtle nests are expected to hatch. We cannot tell you this, not because we are withholding information, but because there is no way to know. Some nests hatch as quickly as after 45 days of incubation and others take as long as 72 days. Much like when a human mother is expecting, there is a “due date” but babies emerge on their own time, and the actual birth date can, and often does, occur about 2 weeks before or after the due date. Additionally, sea turtle nests hatch at night, and hatchlings can emerge at any time between dusk and dawn.

Identifying Turtle Tracks

Turtle tracks

Because sea turtles nest at night, under the cover and protection of darkness, it is very rare to spot a sea turtle in the act of nesting at Wrightsville Beach. So to find nests, volunteers look for tracks in the sand while monitoring the beach at dawn.

Loggerhead sea turtle tracks resemble ATV tire tracks, with a flat section in the center created by the sea turtle’s body and flipper marks on each side. Each track is approximately 40 inches wide and there are two sets: one set from when the nesting mother crawled up toward the sand dunes and a second set from when she crawled back into the ocean. The spot in between, often marked by a gentle mound of sand, is where the nest is located.

If you spot sea turtle tracks on Wrightsville Beach, please call our hotline at 833-4-TURTLE. If you spot tracks that are flagged with neon orange stakes, the tracks have already been identified by a volunteer.

Nest  Counts by Year

2023: 15 2018: 2
2022: 2 2017: 10
2021: 14 2016: 15
2020: 15 2015: 4
2019: 11 2014: 1









Nest Excavations

On the third day after turtle hatchlings have started to emerge from their nest, the nest is excavated. During a nest excavation, trained volunteers extract the contents of the nest chamber from beneath the sand. They count the number of empty eggshells and unhatched eggs in the nest and record the data, then send this data to the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission.

New beginning in 2024: Due to new safety protocol, we are no longer able to send email notifications announcing nest excavations.